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Toronto Explored

Auction house

A real treat was seeing the building used for the auction house in Queen of Harps. We were able to talk our way into the room used for the auction.

Nick at auction

Here's Nick bidding on the coveted harp.

Karen at auction

This is the spot.


Schanke and Nick

Schankus interruptus.

Nancy and Karen

Foiled agayne!


To catch a thief
We moved back outdoors, where Marg and Karen
brought us to the store used in Sons of Belial, when Nick, recently possessed, and Tracy encounter a robbery in progress.


Nick possessed

Nick puts the whammy on the perp.

Biting the bullet

The aftermath.

Karen on pole
We were next brought to the Eaton Centre.


Street drummers
The front of which was the place where the drummers performed in the teaser for Sons of Belial.


Hotdog stand

It was also the location for the famous hotdog stand...

Fix hotdog stand

...used in The Fix.

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